There is only a small window of time left to implement the changes necessary for the threatened
gopher tortoise species to not only survive, but thrive once again in the Southeast. Without a
viable solution in place to relocate them out of harms way and onto protected conservation land
they could face extinction. But by working together, we're overcoming barriers to the solutions
our environment around us needs to survive.


    over 10,000 acres of land set aside as wildlife sanctuaries and gopher tortoise preservation sites.


    over 20,000 Gopher Tortoises from urban expansion and other adverse circumstances.


    those 20,000 tortoises and other wildlife to one of our 10,000 acres of wildlife sanctuaries and tortoise preserve sites.


    over 1 million plants,
    animals, and insects that are so closely connected to the gopher tortoise, a keystone species we love and are committed to protect.

Our Fundraising Process to 10x All Donations

Together, we can align the need for human expansion alongside
maintaining sustainable protected habitat for gopher tortoises and the
biodiversity they are such an important part of.