Donate Now | Wildlife Sanctuary Land Acquisition Fund
Donate Now | Wildlife Sanctuary Land Acquisition Fund
Your donations will be "Matched" and doubled by tortoise recipient site fees we will receive. The Tortoise Conservancy's mission with Your Help is to acquire land across Florida to establish over 10,000 acres as Wildlife Sanctuaries & Tortoise Preserves by 2035. Today your gift to our Wildlife Sanctuary Land Acquisition Fund will go toward the cost of acquiring the land tracts and our goal to become self-sustaining through tortoise recipient site fees. By doing so we will become less dependent on donations for future land acquisition, making your gift today multiply itself exponentially with the proceeds we will collect from the fees levied on developers who are trying to destroy their habitats. 🦋 🐢 🐾 Your generosity is greatly appreciated. We could not do this important work without YOU.
Donate $6k to save a 1/2 acre and you get to name the tortoise going on the site, donate the full acre $12k and name both tortoises on the acre.
As a special Thank You for your generous donation today, you will receive 12 months of of our award winning newsletter "The Turtle Club Chronicle". It's packed every month with Tortoise facts, Conservation articles, and an update on the latest happenings at the Conservancy.
Your Donation(s) are tax deductible to the full extent of the law. The Tortoise Conservancy, Inc is a U.S. nonprofit, tax-exempt charitable organization (tax id number 99-3516943) under Section 501(c)(3) of the U.S. Internal Revenue Code.